Website screenshot API

Base on Chrome, notejs, puppeteer and DigitalOcean Kubernetes
Client Devices:

473 HTML5 features supported
Chinese, Japanese, Korea fonts installed
Automatic detection of fully loaded pages before screenshot capture
Easy to integrate

Chrome Rendering

Base on Chrome & Puppeteer. Up to date to ensure support for all modern web features.

HTML5 friendly

HTML5, CSS3, friendly. Support more than 473 HTML5 features.

Accurate results

Automatic detection of fully loaded pages before screenshot capture.

Scalability & Stability

Base on DigitalOcean Kubernetes, auto-scale under heavy workloads.

Full Page & Responsive

Parameters to capture full page screenshots, mobile screenshots and precisely control the viewport size.

CJK fonts friendly

We installed more than 100 fonts for CJK and other languages. We rend all languages correctly.
